Having launched three DRT operations in the past with Shotl (in Herzogenbuchsee, Ostermundigen and Emmental) and with the aim of meeting the transport needs of tourists and local workers alike, transport company mybuxi sought a sustainable and less polluting solution with lower environmental impact than constructing a car park.
This operation also represented an excellent opportunity to trial an on-demand transport system with 100% electric vehicles in a mountainous area. To promote and develop the project, mybuxi also participated together with Andermatt Swiss Alps, in the creation of the Alpine Mobility Association, which currently seeks to integrate local authorities and businesses to lower the price of tickets for users.
The 55 km² area of operations is divided into two main axes, one running north to south and another running east to west. Two 100% electric vehicles serve 70 virtual stops between 6:00 am and 00:30 am daily.
From the outset, Shotl and mybuxi’s main aim has been to provide good service and enhance the user experience. The operation was launched in just two months and, after 2 initial weeks of testing with a smaller audience in June, a three-month test began in July 2021. At the end of this period, the results will be evaluated, as will the needs and challenges that may arise as the demanding winter season approaches.
There is no single kind of on-demand transport, but a wide variety of models. At Shotl we like to describe 5 groups, or levels, of on-demand transportation.
Shotl’s on-demand mobility platform is the backbone of a new project currently underway at Munich Airport. The project aims to improve workplace mobility for airport employees.
The requirement for more space is driving city pioneers around the World to reexamine how space is utilized, reclaiming it back from vehicles, and giving it to people to walk, to meet, to work out, or to just sit.