The neighborhood of Can Sunyer has a population of 600 inhabitants, the largest in Castellví. It’s physically separated from other neighborhoods of the town, which can only be accessed through a mountainous road, part of which is unpaved. All in all, it’s a journey of approximately 45 minutes. However, Can Sunyer also borders the neighboring town of Sant Andreu de la Barca, where most locals conduct their daily business.
The local transport operator is Soler i Sauret, with whom Shotl implemented the demand-responsive-transport (DRT) operation in the neighboring Vallirana 4 years ago (see here for more details). After the success in Vallirana, Soler i Sauret wanted to replicate it in other towns served by them, starting with Can Sunyer. The new on-demand transport operation was to link the Can Sunyer district with Sant Andreu de la Barca and the neighboring settlement of Plaça del Bosc.
Until then, only a regular bus line operated in the area, with fairly low frequency, and the vehicle had to make many turns and take long detours to reach its destination. This meant very long wait and travel times, so most people naturally preferred to use private vehicles.
The DRT service in Can Sunyer was Shotl’s second operation, after Alta Segarra, to operate under the white label app, which aims to join together all on-demand transport services in Catalonia in one platform. From the first day, the new service was very well received and occupancy levels exceeded those of the previous fixed-route and scheduled-times bus line.
A distracted driver is a dangerous driver, and cellphone use at the wheel is a modern disease that’s on the rise globally.
Transportation plays a crucial role in today’s world. However, not all communities have equal access to affordable and convenient transportation options, leading to disparities in mobility and therefore in opportunities.
This month we chat with Lukas Foljanty, Shared Mobility Enthusiast, Public Transit Geek, and On-Demand Ridepooling Market Expert. He is also one of the most recent additions to the Swvl community and joined at the beginning of March as Principal for Pu