Shotl collects prestigious new awards

That the last few months and a global pandemic have put people, companies, cities and regions alike to the test is beyond doubt. We have all been forced to review our ideas and paradigms regarding many aspects of modern society. For companies like Shotl, however, dedicated to mobility, the challenge has been even greater. Over the last year, we have been forced to redouble our efforts to adapt to the new needs arising in our sector.

In this new panorama, Shotl is honored to be recognized by getting through to the final stages of several prestigious mobility awards. First, we were one of four finalists for the BBVA Award for Innovation in Environmental Sustainability 2021. Shortly afterward, we made the shortlist of five finalists for the prestigious 4YFN Impact Awards to be held during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Among other things, this allowed us to present our brand and the product to members of the Spanish royal family, the President of the Spanish Government and other serving ministers.

More recently, Shotl was awarded the 50solutions brand. This recognizes companies that provide mobility solutions with added values of sustainability, innovation, traction and deployment in different regions and departments in France.

However, the icing on the cake came with the celebration of the Entrepreneur XXI Awards, which Shotl participated in in the CityXXI category which rewards solutions that facilitate the transformation of cities into more sustainable, safe, connected and adapted places. As one of 16 finalists in 8 different categories, Shotl caught the jury’s eye and took first prize. In the words of Shotl's CEO and Co-Founder, Gerard Martret, “This and other international recognitions we have recently obtained help us move forward and gain visibility."

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