Shotl News

Why we're changing mobility

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Shotl and Odakyū launch in Tokyo

Shotl partners with Japanese railway operator Odakyū Electric Railway to provide innovative first-mile, last-mile transportation in the city of Kawasaki, Tokyo Major Metropolitan Area.

Adrià Ramírez
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DRT challenges - getting people on the bus

At Shotl, we’re often asked what the greatest challenges are in getting people to accept our model of flexible, demand-responsive transit. The answer may surprise you.

Gerard Martret
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Walking among virtual stops

Setting up a cloud of virtual stops to find the balance in terms of maximum walking distance -taking into consideration distance, time and even comfort- is a routine task for DRT planners.

Albert Tresserras
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Happy 100 posts

We are proud to have achieved the goal of publishing content each month that both informs about Shotl’s progress as well as summarises experiences and opinions.

Sílvia Coronado
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How to avoid redundancy when switching to DRT

Smart mobility trends are pushing towns and cities to explore new mobility options for citizens while still struggling to fund public transport models inherited from the 20th century.

Albert Tresserras
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Applying data science to improve mobility users' experience

Data shed light on the desires of consumers, which is the main reason many companies consider data science to be a key factor in their strategic business plans.

Víctor Navas
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On-demand buses help recover confidence in public transport

A new study shows how post-pandemic recovery of public transportation ridership is much faster when supported by demand-responsive vehicles, compared to results of occupancy provided by regular bus lines in the same location.

Sílvia Coronado
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Shotl wins SmartCatalonia 2020 rural mobility challenge

Our winning proposal to provide flexible, on-demand public transport for isolated rural populations will run as a 6-month pilot test with the Association of Rural Initiatives of Catalonia (ARCA).

Sílvia Coronado
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Why small numbers of AVs could bring big benefits

A new study suggests we may not need to wait for full uptake of autonomous vehicles to start seeing a positive effect on traffic flow.

Osvald Martret
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Being on the map

It’s frequently heard that “being on the map” in a market is one of the keys to success for a startup.

Albert Tresserras
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Electric Vehicles – Cleaner, Greener and... On-Demand?

Electric vehicle sales continue to grow year on year but there’s still a way to go before they overtake combustion engines. Now, though, new electric minivans could provide opportunities for cleaner local transport.

Osvald Martret
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Carles: a new mobility concept for suburban Europe

Quick connected services in low-density areas must be provided by a transport mode that’s adaptable and ready to arrive quickly to every home, whenever it is needed.

Gerard Martret
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New App to manage bus capacity

Public transport operators have confronted numerous issues in recent years - and keeping up social distancing on vehicles when ridership increments at peak times will be yet another.

Sílvia Coronado
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Think Globally, Move Locally

There aren’t many upsides to the Covid-19 pandemic but increased social cohesion is one. Now, it’s time to build on it, extending our concern to local communities and ensuring they can adapt and survive the new normal.

Osvald Martret
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Slower Streets, Faster Recovery

As the world’s wheels begin to turn again, many cities are taking advantage of a unique opportunity to rethink urban space and ensure healthier streets.

Gerard Martret
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